Wednesday, December 15, 2004

better than the better half??

Sigh! Don't ppl here go easy on a bloke writing his first ever blog?
The nicer ones posted their comments on the site, the rest sent their stinkeroos on mail, asking how I could equate wives with socks, and didn't I understand socks had feelings too? :-)
So i burnt sum more grey cell calories and came up with a few reasons why a pair of socks are actually preferrable to a wife.
Sigh! I know i'm inviting another sock on my jaw from my bitter half, but never let it be said that rajesh ever shrank from expressing his views. BTW, u guys wont er.. uh..mmm...i mean...tell my wife abt this blog will u?
Holds his breath, squares his shoulders and announces why a wife aint as cool as a pair of old socks:
1)When u throw em out, u don't hafta pay em alimony
2)u can live with a pair and not risk gettin arrested for bigamy.
3)They are content to live quietly underfoot(refer 2 previous blog 4 the misogynist's view)
4)u can leave em at home when u hit the beach
5)your neighbour doesn't drop in to discuss the cricket, and check em outa the corner of his eye.
6)they rarely have a bad hair day (unless ur legs are abnormally hirsute)
7)they don't go all moody on u for 5 days in a month.period.
8)they rarely curl up in front of the telly watchng the 44th re-run of 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S'
9)Like my friend Ram said in his comment on the last blog, "they come in pairs". Now u guys'll have to figger out if that was a freudian slip or what??? He also said " u can switch em from right to left and vice versa". methinks sum1 will hafta inform his missus.
10)i'll leave the last one open 4 u guys to fill. the guy with the worst line gets to keep his wife:-)

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

If u dont like ur sox...divorce her :-)

The Duhsville Chronicle

Oye ppl! This is my pehla blog here. Am forced 2 expend sum calories and actually write this coz i met sumone in the dark alleys of blogdom who i share a common friend with. I was talking abt pooling in to buy the aforesaid friend(henceforth referred to as Anantha) a badly needed pair of socks, when the blogger(a.k.a. Avinash) said he'd rather buy anantha a wife. I dunno if he knows sumthing about anantha that i don't and whether he's hinting at a rather quirky strain of foot fetishdom in anantha's amatory portfolio.
Anyway, that got moi thinking about some rather real similarities between wives and socks. I managed 10 similarities, but all u maried losers out there are invited 2 swell the tally.
Here goes:1)they're both 'solemates'
2)u kinda grow used to em over a period of time
3)good ones are accommodating and stretch to suit ur needs
4)u'd love to change em more often, but its 2 much of a bother.
5)u like em even when they're smelly and worn out
6)both try 2 step into ur shoes and not always successfully
7)u repay their loyalty by sticking by them even when they've lost that youthful elasticity and start sagging.
8)there never ever seems to be an 'exchange offer' for either in all those year end sales:(
9)their natural order is at the foot of man(now this is bound to rile up those femnists:P)
10)one size fits all